Laurels and Trailer for Our Film, “Serge Hollerbach: A Russian Painter in New York”
December 06, 2021

Our film, Serge Hollerbach: A Russian Painter in New York has received laurels from film festivals across the United States and abroad. This film is our third video profile, produced by the Vision and Art Project and the the American Macular Degeneration Foundation (AMDF), exploring the lives and studio practices of artists with vision loss due to macular degeneration.
As of December 7, 2021, accolades have included:
DIVERSITY Film Festival & Table Read Screenplays (Toronto, Ontario), Official Selection

In early 2022, our film will be screened online for a 24-hour period and accessible to anyone with the link. Once we know the date of the screening, we’ll be posting information on Facebook and Instagram and will be making an exclusive and private, password-protected link available to anyone from around the world who would like to see it.
RUSDOCFILMFEST (New York City), Official Selection and Award Winner

Our film was screened in-person at the School on Visual Arts on October 23, 2021 as part of the festival’s closing ceremony. We also participated in a panel discussion after the screening about filming Hollerbach and working with him on a film.
More information about this film festival, now in its 14th year, is available here.
The Film Collective, Short Film Festival (Philadelphia, PA), Official Selection

Shown online on October 24, 2021 and publicly available free-of-charge to anyone who registered to see it, a recording of the event is available on the organization’s website, which means you can still see the film there. When you go to their October events page (link below), click “Day 3” of the event schedule, then the 7-8 p.m. time slot. Our film about Serge begins that hour’s program.
Feel the Reel International Film Festival (Glasgow, Scotland), Award Winner

Feel The Reel is a monthly international film festival founded in Glasgow, United Kingdom that features a new line-up of films or film trailers each month on their website. The month’s award-winning films are then screened in-person at the end of the year in Romania. Serge Hollerbach: A Russian Painter in New York won best documentary in September. We’ll be posting news about the in-person screening when we know more ourselves!
Champion Film Salon International Film Festival (Frisco, Texas), Official Selection & Award Winner

This festival brings together an inclusive group of film directors with disabilities as well as films about those with disabilities. Our film was screened at an in-person event on September 25, 2021. You can find out more information on this festival here.
2022 UK Seasonal Short Film Festival (London, England), Honorable Mention

Looking ahead almost a year, it’s also going to be screened at the Russian Abroad International Film Festival in November 2022.
Screening the film at festivals gives us an opportunity to raise awareness about macular degeneration and the artists we work with among a wider audience. Once it’s completed the festival circuit at the end of 2022, we’ll be making Serge Hollerbach: A Russian Painter in New York available on our website. For now, you can stream our two other films free-of-charge: one about the painter Lennart Anderson and one about artist and musician Robert Andrew Parker. (If you email us your contact information at, we’ll let you know when the Serge Hollerbach film is available on our site.)
A shout-out to the many people who made Serge Hollerbach: A Russian Painter in New York possible
As with any art form, the craft of filmmaking is vast and involves the collaborative efforts of many diverse and talented contributors, from professional sound and camera crews, to directors, animators, editors, writers, and researchers.
We’re grateful to everyone involved who helped bring Serge’s story to life, but want to give particular shout-outs to Bill Lattanzi, who worked with us in his capacity as an editor, writer and contributing director (this film could not have been completed without him); Stephen Harmon, who kindly allowed us to use his photographs of the Upper West Side of Manhattan (the Upper West Side was Serge’s home and one of his central subjects); and the American Macular Degeneration Foundation for its ongoing support of the Vision & Art Project and investment in bringing the careers of artists with vision loss to life through film.
Further Reading

Lennart Anderson
“Seeing with Light:” A Film Profile of Lennart Anderson
In this short video profile, Lennart Anderson talks about his life. He also works on a portrait of fellow artist Kyle Staver.
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